She celebrates, finally

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She celebrates, finally

Post by DoF Archive » Mon Mar 15, 2004 9:44 pm

Date: 1/4/1998 11:21 PM Central Standard Time
From: DoraeRasta

The revelers have started early. Each year it seems the preparations for this holiday start earlier and earlier. Never before had she much bothered taking part in the celebration of a new year, but here it is that she does not mind much the noise, the hoopla, the drunken stupor many folks are already in. The New Year.... what was so new about it? Each year had always been the same for her, walking the earth with the burden of guilt, murder, loss of innocence, the sense of wrongful doing and with what purpose? She had no purpose, till now. Now she studies and practices to become a Ceaonite warrior. The Goddess Shardonna had recognized Dorae for the student she is and that was all the serpent tatooed woman needed to realize her purpose wasfulfilled.... to help restore a forgotten culture. The years were just mulled memories kept in full view to gnaw away at her soul. And now recently, the most amazing thing happened.... a man had got her attention. Dorae usually went to the duels with the same laxidasical look about her as she wears when on duty in the Cafe.... having a care only for when her name was called along with a name for a ring in which to duel. Her duels, whether she won or lost, always give her an odd pleasure, but rarely does she interact with any there. But slowly a change comes over her. Oh, she still is rough and tough, seizing up a body warily before relaxing...somewhat. This is different; a new light in her eyes, a relaxed carry of her person, a gentle caring way about her. But not everyone can see that, that is saved for one person that she happened to meet in the Outback. Cicero von Myst. A hard man, having as dark a past as she. Bedecked on his arms by an ever twinning of tatoos, each one representing something that has happened to him during his life. Black orbs are his eyes and leaves one guessing to what he thinks, for the orbs betray nothing. Hairless head that is alluring and compliments the black goatee his face sports. Strong, handsome and gentle. From what she can gander, not all view him as she does, and thatmakes her laugh and glad to know him... for she thinks his views on her would be opposite of most of the public opinion of herself. There is a darkness that surrounds him, and not of his own doing nor can he rid himself of it without compromising his life or even the life of another. He lives with the black of day in full sunlight and carries about his life as best he can. As does she, though the days become a bit less black for her as she spends more and more time with him. The dreams have dispersed, for the now, and it seems the ghostly hands of those who have taken what did not belong to them so long ago, have been chased away. Dorae worries if they will come back, to take up their hauntings, thus pushing her back a step or two to being not trusting folks in general and giving up the precious few she claims as friends. But for now, all that sits buried in her soul, enjoying the moments she can. Twice now she has stitched him up when he has come back from a fight or war. Always she has stitched up her own wounds; receiving them from various slayings and instructional fighting against men who needed manners tought to them; so this was a big step for her, allowing herself to become so involved with another that she will not hesitate to patch a wound or offer some help as needed. When they are not together she is at peace and never fretting. She does not allow herself the pleasure of thinking of him too often when not around him. No false hopes for her. Let things play out as they will and hope for the best. Though he does slip in her dreams, but these are dreams of the light, not of the dark that usually wake her up and make her paint them out to decipher some meaning. No, these are light and happy and she barelyremembers them upon waking. But that is the extent of it.... not a typical female, which I think most cannot argue. She does not sit and pine away over him, but immensely enjoys his company when they are together. No plans for the future, no strings attached, just a wait and see and wonder if this will bring her further forward or set her back.... only this time, the set back could prove permanent, and no fault of his own, just hers. So thus thedetached state when he is not around can be explained. So yes, now, this year, there is need for her to celebrate and so she walks down the streets of RhyDin and enjoys the antics and wild abandon the other inhabitants exhibit in gladness or sadness of the approaching new year.

Dorae "The Dangerous" Rasta