Challenges (Not a challenge)

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Challenges (Not a challenge)

Post by DoS Archive » Wed Feb 18, 2004 2:18 pm

Date: 8/19/97 7:53 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: SirCetran

Well, I was just amazed by how many challenges have passed by in the past week or so.I noticed it because I myself was planning and setting up for one of my own, but my two possibilities were snatched away from my pretty quickly. Is not the challengers fault or anything, I was just simpally amazed. If anyone cares tosee exactaly how many have passed through.

::Does some figuring out::


Baphe and Kappy
AJ and Rix (The Duel is tonight I blieve)
Rand and Steave
Lupton just beat James Dandy and now against Phil
Jeff just beat Adioni but open
Adeena just beat Dave and now against Kyane
Dex and Dae

Dal and Huma

This leaves us now with three open upper-rankers... Jeff Oakenshield, Elissa Morgan and Queen Luthien. Jeff just got away from the punching bag ring by defeating Adioni ((Sorry, I can never seem to spell that name correctly.))

I just think it is kind of interesting since the challenges seemed to be moving at a fairly slow rate as of late... and suddenly BOOM! We have about eight matches all at once. This is not me saying I think that challenges are right or wrong... this is Damien showing you the number, I just find it interesting...

Have fun using this for whatever purpose.

~^~Sir Damien Cetran~^~

Date: 8/20/97 1:56 AM Eastern Standard Time

So what else is new?

::chuckles and heads off to prepare for the next ambitious challenger::

Date: 8/20/97 10:39 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: SirCetran

Jeff, from looking at the numbers grow since I first thought about challenging, what's new is that at the time of this post only three upper-rankers were free. At the time of this writting, now there are only two... yourself being challenged by Skyler.

When was the last time you remember seeing only two upper-rankers free of challenge?

It is just a simple play of thought.


Date: 8/20/97 11:47 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Drakewynx

The reasons are rather obvious...
1) Everyone was waiting to find out how the tourney would go.
2) A new cycle has started which means everyone is elligeble for challenging and being challenged.
3) There are more WarLords now than ever before.

Well, you don't have to worry about me challenging anytime soon, I'll tell you that... You may hear me mention peer-wins, but that doesn't mean I'm going to be challenging.

The Grand Duchess Drakewyn Alabaster the Tenth

Date: 8/20/97 2:14 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Zaradda

Interesting post, Damien. Perhaps the next time I get a baronial ring I'll find a mage to turn me into a female...
At any rate, We all have the right, but with the growing number of warlords maybe that old discussion of a "champion" or "Duke" rank should be brought up? Just a thought.

Date: 8/20/97 4:21 PM Eastern Standard Time

I don't keep good enough records Damien ta give ya an exact answer. What I do know is dat multiple simultaneous challenges have been goin' on fer quite some time. Da last time of peace I remember is around da time WickedDeth retired and Athlstan had 8 loyal barons. It was during such a time dat was me first reign of baron.

Since Alais, Leto, Kalamere, Athlstan again, and now Dalamar have been overlord, challenges ta baron have been frequent and in great numbers. I'm not sure about trends...all I know is, dey will never stop, nor will dey decrease in numbers significantly, especially wit all da new ambitious WLs.

I believe da last time I read a post similar ta yers was by me friend Sondragon. He asked about all da challenges and I remember him asking something like "doesn't rain much, but when it rains it pours?" referring ta da # of challenges of course. Dis was long ago, and others have probably had similar posts...but me point is, its happened before, its happenin' now, and its gonna keep happenin' fer a long time ta come.


Date: 8/20/97 5:31 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: SirCetran

Like I have said before, my purpose for writting this post was to show numbers. I know that things go into the "Shoot six bullets then take the time to reload" ::Learned this hearing Greg talk about wierd toys:: ... from the numbers of current challenges... eight... from the number of Challenges at the low point later in the cycle when we go one or two weeks without a single Challenge.

It is just intresting to see the Challenges shoot from two a week to eight pending Challenges. My wonder is, will this happen every cycle change and should the Baron learn that they should bite down every cycle change and get ready a massive explosion of Challenges.

~^~Damien Cetran~^~