Stepping Down.

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DoF Archive
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Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:28 am

Stepping Down.

Post by DoF Archive » Mon Mar 15, 2004 10:26 pm

Date: 1/24/1998 2:29 AM Central Standard Time
From: TismanBRos

Ian sat in the front of his deli, thinking hard of the past several months. Many things had changed, tag team getting started, gaining an opal, his deli becoming successful, and other things as well. Then had come the challenge of Robert for ShadoWeaver, the opal that he held for a full cycle without defending as much as he would have liked. This was one of the main reasons that the challenge was met. Though Ian had a heavy heart from losing the item that seemed to become part of him, it gave him a mild comfort to know that the opal was in hands that would, if nothing else, be in attendance more often.

Ian had taken ShadoWeaver from his bracer and handed it to Robert with a heavy heart, but he had done it with as much honor as he could muster. With that same amount of honor in his heart, Ian withdrew a piece of paper from behind the counter and a pencil, writing quickly and quietly as not to disturb the others in the building. With low candlelight before him, Ian wrote a short letter to Robert.

With a quivering lip, Ian swiftly slipped his leather jacket on and headed into the cold night, heading efficiently towards the Outback. Once through the large doors, Ian worked his way upstairs with the silence that only one of his kind seemed to be able to make. Once he reached Tex's office, he slowly opened the door and placed his letter on Robert's desk. With silence and speed at his back, Ian ran from the Outback, not stopping until his feet stood inside his home once again. Slowly making his way to the apartment upstairs and company within, Ian fell into his bed, uttering softly to himself. He closed his eyes and tried hard to drift into sleep.

The letter read-
"Robert Braxxx
Team Leader of the Duel of Fists


I once again congratulate you on your win. You have earned a title that is of utmost importance to our community, and I wish that you treasure it always. On a different note though, I have a request.

As it is my personal belief that one should not be of high ranking unless he or she is visible to the rest of the community, I wish to be withdrawn from the rankings that compile themselves in our sport. My reasons should be clear, but as a courtesy I will speak of them anyway.

I have decided to step down, not because I am a poor sport after losing my title, but because I am unable to accept the title of Emerald and the duties that I perceive go with it. I am unable to live up to the standards that I feel are important to hold this rank. Had the opal remained with me after last night, I would still feel the need to forfeit it. This is not said to take away from your victory, nor imply that I did not do my best. it
is simply a fact.

So Robert, I would like to request that my name be taken from the standings as I formally hand you my request to retire. I would also like to reserve the right that others are given to come out of retirement if I feel that either the Outback and its community need me, or that I am able to designate as much time as I should to the duels. I realize that this is a sudden request, but it is a necessary one.

Many thanks,
Ian Munro
Tisman Black Rose
Known on the standings as TismanBRos"
DoF Archive
Posts: 2684
Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:28 am

Re: Stepping Down.

Post by DoF Archive » Mon Mar 15, 2004 10:26 pm

Date: 1/24/1998 3:45 AM Central Standard Time
From: T Destre

Tera hears the faint rustle of papers in the office next door and sits up. She slips on her robe and quietly makes her way there. Cautiously opening the connecting door she quickly scans for unfriendly intruders. Robert's office being empty she strolls on in and looks around to see if anything may be missing. Navy blue eyes sparkle with interest as she spots the note on the desk. Stealthy footstepscarry her to the desk and her small hand picks it up. Tera reads it quickly, eyes blurring with welling tears as she realizes what this will mean to Robert personally and the entire DoF Community at large. (wvs) Goddess.. Ian. Shaking her head slowly, tumbled curls sweeping over her shoulders, she replaces the letter and returns to bed to try and rest. Her mind races as she snuggles up to the owner of her heart.