Time to fight for the Diamond!

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Time to fight for the Diamond!

Post by DoF Archive » Wed Mar 17, 2004 2:02 pm

Date: 3/25/1998 4:20 PM Central Standard Time
From: RDI Rask

That's right folks, its that time again. The cycle is at an end and it's time to Crown a new Diamond. The tournament will be in the double elimination format and will be held on April 4 at 10 p.m. Eastern time in the outback. If you are interested in fighting for the title of Diamond And hold the rank of Emerald or Opal, send your entry to me, RDI Rask, by April 2, 11: 59 p.m. Eastern time. Please make sureyou are able to stay for the entire event if you plan on attending at all. Plan on the event Lasting at least three hours and take this in to consideration when thinking about participation. The Emerald rankings will be used to decide the initial match ups and who Gets the buys. Let's make this quest one to remember.

RDI RaskDoF Assistant Team Leader