Alignment of the Seventh

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Alignment of the Seventh

Post by DoS Archive » Wed Sep 29, 2004 7:19 pm

From: (Lord Uziel)
Date: 21 Mar 1999 21:55:38 EST

Patrons, Baron's and Overlord de Oro.

Now that I have overcome the challenge to my title from Lord Percival I will now set the alignment of the Seventh as Neutral to the Crown.
I have no issues whatsoever with Cristian...but I do not know him well enough to declare a loyalty to him for the mere expiedient that he is a different Overlord.
Given some time to get to know Cristian...I am sure my alignment will change. But as of now...the Seventh stands Neutral to the Crown.

Adonai Uziel
DragonLord of Rhydin
Twice Baron of the Seventh