Rogue Avatar

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Rogue Avatar

Post by DoS Archive » Wed Sep 29, 2004 7:32 pm

From: (EagleEcore)
Date: 22 Mar 1999 18:20:59 EST

The whistling whispers of wheat grass stirred him to awareness. The melody wafting along the wind piping away a lazy early morning tune that was soothing. The pungent scent of pollen combined with other unrecognized floral scents caused his nose to wrinkle with curiosity as to his surroundings. Without yet opening his eyes he could tell by the softness of the ground he lay upon he was out in the wild somewhere. Plush
and thick was the place where his body was nestled comfortably. Ash he slowly opened his eyes looking skyward he could see normal blue sky and just a few little wisps of white clouds though it was naught so bright. After blinking a few times from what must have been a deep sleep, he came to realize that the sun must either be rising or setting.

He turned his head towards his left from whence the source of sunlight seemed to be coming from...

((Author's note: For the rest of this post, and to follow the continuing story of Ecore, please go to the "Tales of Crossing Blades" category of the Duel of Swords messaging, and read the "WarDrac and the Rogue Avatar" folder. Or click here: aol://5863:126/mB:380589 ))