~~Angel of The Isle~~

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~~Angel of The Isle~~

Post by DoS Archive » Fri Oct 01, 2004 10:19 am

From: marzan@aol.com (Marzan)
Date: 26 Apr 1999 12:46:27 EDT


The Druid returns from his journeys and finds the papers upon the steps of the Tower. He reads quietly... then closes his eyes.

After spending an hour or so sitting on the steps, he summons his Drakkaar and steps aboard. After hoisting the sails...He finds his long unused harp.

Gently caressing the enchanted strings He softly sings her a Tribute as the ship sails away to Greater Rhydin.......

~~Oh, then fare ye well, sweet Twi'lit Angel,~~

~~Of age old Glory and Lore~~,

~~I'm crossing the main ocean,~~

~~Where the foaming billows roar.~~

~~It breaks my heart from you to part,~~

~~Where I spent many happy days,~~

~~Farewell to kind relations,~~

~~And now I sail away...~~

::his eyes closed as he sings softly::

~~Oh, my love is tall and beautiful, of True Ladies rare and few.... She far
exceeds all other fair maids with her eyes of Topaz blue... Her lovely
neck and shoulders fair..her warm and sincere smile...
Till the day I die I'll
ne'er deny My Angel of the Isle..~~~

::the ships sails for the Horizon as he continues the sad ballad::

~~If I was at home on the sweet Twi'lit... A letter I would write, Kind thoughts
would fill my bosom For Topaz, my delights in her Druid's garden.. The
fairest violets spread for miles, And 'twas there I came to court the maid,
My Angel of The Isle~~

~~Ah, then Topaz.....you're my heart's delight... My pride and only care.... ~~
~~It was The Cruel Fates that Would not let me stay there.... ~~
~~But absence makes the heart grow fond..... and when I'm o'er the main...
May the Gods protect my
darling girl, Till I return again.~~~~

::strums the harp for a long time..tenderly... as the shadows lengthen::

~~And I wished I was in sweet Twi'lit... And seated on the grass~~
~~ And by my
side a bottle of wine And on my knee a lass.....~~
.......I'd call for liquor of the
best And I'd glory in her smile... ~~

And I'd roll my Love in my arms....
The Angel of the Isle................~~~

::quietly he lays down the harp as the ship crosses the Horizon::
