Message from the 1st

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Message from the 1st

Post by DoS Archive » Fri Oct 01, 2004 5:51 pm

From: (Lyon xx)
Date: 29 Apr 1999 20:26:01 EDT


I have delayed responding to the Overlords questions till I thought I had an answer. Alas, still I am undecided at this time but have chosen to respond anyhow.

As to the role the OL and Barons fill, I think is dependent upon a larger question. What ever role one believes they fill will relate to one's view of the DoS. Do you see the DoS as merely a bloodsport? If so, then it is natural to say that their sole role is to win only, with barons doing everything they can to ensure their "team" wins.

Perhaps you see the DoS as much more than a bloodsport, perhaps you see it as a place filled with tradition and a grand history. If that is your view, then you will attach much more to the roles you expect them to fill.

The DoS has evolved, it has changed and with it I have changed as well. My view points are not what they once were. I can no longer say for certain how I view the DoS. What I can say is how I will approach being a baron.

I will place integrity where it belongs; first and foremost. I will win humbly and lose graciously. I will strive to honor the traditions of the DoS and pay respect to those that have come before me. I will do what I fill is best for the DoS.

On the subject on intercessions. I believe in the right instances it is a valuable tool to be used. Wisdom must be exercised when using it however.

Newcomers. We must remember when each of us were new to this land and extend a measure of patience.

These are view points
