Between the lines

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Between the lines

Post by DoS Archive » Mon Oct 04, 2004 5:34 pm

From: (MimiNights)
Date: 30 May 1999 12:12:15 EDT

Change was coming -- whether any care to acknowledge the fact or not. It was easier to keep watch from the shadows, or even on a rare occasion, dare to roam the halls. A fragment of stability remained, it could not be explained. No words, actions or memories could complete the recall. Happiness for some, and others a great deal of unhappiness.

Some speak of ancient ways, some of the grand days of ole, and others look toward the future. However, there was something between the lines. Perhaps that thin line of dust matter that is always overlooked in the back corner. Still and silent -- waiting until it's stirred to cause some havoc. Perhaps, just perhaps it was something else.

Soft scent of lilac wafted behind the dancer as she moved quietly through the halls. Quietly and purposely she wandered the floor, in and around the rings. Something was coming and there was nothing any could do to stop it. Mayhaps it was time to call the Cleric, Cocksure Braggart, or even an old enemy.

A genteel shake given as she paused a moment at the bottom stairs, sapphire glanced over shoulder and behind the bar toward the mirror. So many memories -- so many. A mist, old faces mixing with new -- grandeur. A few stood out, yes more than a few.

Turning and making her way upstairs, she had not noticed the trickle of blood caused by wound. She made escape, with fleeing thoughts of returning.

~T'was bourne upon a winter's chill

and breathed in spring's kiss.

Lead me soul to my will -

Lingering no more in what is missed.~

Copyright 1999

Mimi Shaffer

All rights reserved