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DoS Archive
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Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:27 am


Post by DoS Archive » Wed Oct 06, 2004 4:37 pm

From: miminights@aol.com (MimiNights)
Date: 02 Jun 1999 13:49:15 EDT

The ritual was performed perfectly, yet the final night, Marit seemed to have known. Ancient called to ancient, spell to spell and one to rise as victor. Blood bonded sister. Now she would see Kappi and speak to her. Would she know? One of two reactions would come, either she did believe and embraced words that will spill forth - or she would think her sister a mad augur.

Funny it was - reaction. If it were an accidental touch in passing, one might have thought nothing of it, yet reaction would be perhaps that of pardon. What if it was meeting of eyes to another, that animal magnetism that draws two together, what would have been his reaction? Ah, it was none of these - it was invasion he might perceive. "Baptism by fire" this meeting might be called.

Her breath was taken a moment as she gave slight movement, that causing the soft scent of lilac wafting near. Yes, thoughts in her own mind set to her own reaction, she did anticipate this one to react as the others had - with dismissal. She prepared - yes she prepared.

She went seeking the new baroness.