Healing hands

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Healing hands

Post by DoS Archive » Wed Oct 06, 2004 5:18 pm

From: gudarien@aol.com (Gudarien)
Date: 06 Jun 1999 16:23:40 EDT

"I stopped the bleeding!" The young man cried, applying pressure to his father's wound. Gudarien propped up the other man's legs before rushing to check the next patient.
"It's deep...the liver has been hit." Gudarien said dalmyl, assesing the wound to be more vital than the few others suffered in the short battle the travelers had with a band of orcish raiders. gudarien clasped the holy symbol around his neck with one hand, and lightly pressed his other to the seemingly fatal wound. He spoke in tongues, preying to the goddess Sune to grant him the healing power to save the man's life. The symbol glowed and a
warmth passed from it to the hand touching the wound. The lifeblood oozing from the wound, slowly dried as the deep cut began to heal. The young man's eyes widen as he seen the other wounds also seemingly heal to nothing more than scars. after a moment of prayer, Gudarien wobbly rose to his feet, smiling in the glow of saving another man's life.
He lightly touched the youngman's head and went back towork on the other wounded. There was only one orc left alive, and this one still struggled through his death throws as the wound to his own gut was slowly claiming him. There was no help for the orcish raiders. Gudarien had happened to be out on a walk when he heard cries of fear and war. He joined the battle after the orcs had killed an older woman and tried running off with two others as the
men of the family attacked to stop them. Two men had been killed, Gudarien had arrived to late to do anything for them. He cut down three orcs within seconds with his flaming longsword before the orcs knew help had arrived for the family untrained in the art of fighting.
Now that the battle was over, and Gudarien was tending the wounded, he felt drained and exhausted. He had been working on building a temple to Sune, and he had tried to duel in the basement arena of the Red dragon Inn. His goals were to gain make a name for himself outside of the church and his normal duties. He had the skills to be a leader of men. Politically, from what Gudarien had seen, the arena was slowly improving from what it had become.
Still however, there was much to be done. the people still argued over nonsense, people hate each other, and in Gudarien's eyes there was not enough faith in the arena. Gudarien felt everyone had a right to thier own religion, and he would not push his god unto anyone.
"A good role model is what they need. A man who is honorable, likable by all, fair and just. A man who has known humility and sacrifice. A man like myself." gudarien chuckled to himself. He hadn't met the present overlord, but he felt him an honorable man, but just not what the realm needs in a rolemodel.
Then there was the latest warlord tournament's winner, Kappriel. Gudarien knew very little of her, but from what he has heard, she was a fiesty woman. He had seen her all of once or twice, but had never spoken with her. Gudarien didn't feel her intentions to be illfated, but again, the warrior woman is not what Gudarien sees as a suitable rolemodel for the realm. "Possibly if I had more time to meet with the people of the towne, I might see other
qualities in them." Gudarien sighed, remembering he was so very busy. He looked to his left, then to his right. All the wounded people had been treated and tended too, and were resting. He had intended to stay in the area untill the family was ready to move, just to make sure they are not molested again.
Gudarien stoked a fire and rumaged through the families provisions with thier permission and he quickly concocted a stew with a few healing herbs blended in to help them gain enough strength to move.
"Someday, I may be able to prove my worth to all." he whispered as he served out the stew. "Someday..."