To Discover Innocence

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To Discover Innocence

Post by DoS Archive » Wed Oct 06, 2004 5:23 pm

From: (Deluthan)
Date: 07 Jun 1999 23:10:08 EDT

The head of Deluthan was flung into the cushion of his palms, and he had remained in the wooden chair a statue. The blinding light of the arena had gotten to him, even with the protection of the thick-tint shades, and he sneered and scoffed at its zesty nature. He thought about why he first came there that night--to duel, to seek accomplishment. Whatever it was, the night was a complete waste as he suffered his
first shutout and a drop from the warlord elite. His head lifted in the most desperate style as it had in a long time, and random body segments quivered. He stood to escape the narrowing crevice of lackadasia, and slumped and strained his way up the front-entrance steps until he was on his way to the outside.
But something was amiss. The matches--the fuel for his recently acquired habit--were gone, and he could see no other choice but return to the now retched place. He somehow managed to reach the bar through the fog of noise that had settled there, and found himself exhausted and in need of a rest. The nearest stool was sufficient, and his hands felt the press of his face once again.
Through all these drab events though, he had drawn the attention of another. The odd young lady who seemed to enjoy a masochistic exercise in geometry had begun speaking her philosphically coherent gibberish to him again, and, once Del had found the strength, had departed only seconds before he did. He had no intentions of finding her outside, but there she was, beside an unoccupied building, apparently waiting for someone. He had struck up
another cigarette and approached the angelic figure, still in the moonlight.
The sequence of events to follow flew beyond Del's comprehension. She had taken it upon herself to strip him of his cig and flicked it away. Then, through short arrays of words, the woman described him in blustering accuracy, things noone else knew--could have known--and before he knew it his shades were off and her index finger had placed itself upon his left eyelid sending a shockwave of pure warmth throughout. After a short hesitation, she did
the same to the other.
Miraculously, his eyes had healed. Or so she said when she pointed him to the large window pain on his right, and when he turned to find his own answer, his eyes widened at the sight. Where once there were black orbs of dispair merely defined by the small, thinned circle of red concentric to each, there squirmed the normal, white globes with hazel decoration. She had spoken of being a pawn of Fate, and as fixated as Del was at seeing his new--yet
old--self, he was able to glimpse the last traces of the woman vanishing behind a corner.
It was less than a minute before Fate herself came running out of nowhere and slammed Del to the ground...