A Man of Few Words

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A Man of Few Words

Post by DoS Archive » Wed Oct 06, 2004 5:28 pm

From: zafiroo@aol.com (Zafiroo)
Date: 08 Jun 1999 23:18:57 EDT

The days trials finally drew to a close. As the promise of tomorrow comes so does new thoughts. Sitting quietly in the den off the side of the main foyer,he watched as another man entered dressed in the livery of his house, the familiar deep blue with traces of silver embroidery, carrying a tray laden with a silver pitcher filled with the chilled spiced tea that has become his favorite. A silent smile greeted the
server, a family friend under employ for ages. Taking the tea, his mind miles away. Looking back to the tapestry that adorns the far wall, the frail glass in one hand, the other toying with the ring on his other.
"Is gonna be a hard road from here my friend"....the man looked back to the servant at his words, canting his head towards the pitcher.
"A fine brew this eve, is such that calms one at the end of an ardorous day, one of the last few comforts to be found". The servant quietly made his exit as the man drew back within his thoughts, his worry apparent for his lord set deep in his eyes.

How could one so fresh but so deeply ingrained with this spirit overcome the newness ones claimed he held. A man of few words he had always been, so this now was to be turned against him. His eyes turned to gaze longingly at the blade of Corundum hanging above the fireplace. A fitting place for the sword, forged as it was from the very gems that gave him life. The sapphire blue sheen in the finish of the blade matched hers, never to see her again,
and if he did, would she even remember their time. Shoving away the thought he mused on.
His search for the Elitropia, the Bloodstone, had led him to RhyDin, his mastery and oneness with his blade had earned him a place among Barons. A right he wore proudly but apparently others felt otherwise. Had ones felt his skill lacking enough to merit them to try and seize that which he had rightfully won. Not seeking fault, just understanding. Ones that claimed honor lacked much indeed. Hurt feelings brought on by his skill was not enough to
warrant such towards himself, but it was so clear that it was to be the case.