Gods, Immortals, and Mortals

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Gods, Immortals, and Mortals

Post by DoS Archive » Wed Oct 06, 2004 5:34 pm

From: methous45@aol.com (Methous45)
Date: 09 Jun 1999 23:41:51 EDT

::Lat this night in the outskirts of Rhydin, Methous was walking alone. He seemed to be deep in thought. His eyes, the eyes of the God of Vision, saw the past. His past, one of the many lose ends he left untied.
As he walked along he thought of his father, Oberon. His father described his the past. Gods have always been but can have children, and the gods children can have children, and so forth. Immortals came next, as the shadows of Amber grow outwards, they shadow the gods. Immortals are the first shadow. They came from an island much like Avalon, once thought a shadow of Avalon but seems to have unique characteristics. Immortals have been used by
the gods as armies and a means to hunt down other gods. Living forever is their only birth right, but they can learn to be almost equals to gods, with some danger they can even move through shadows, they can used the power of Amber, but it drains them quickly. Almost every world has immortals in some form.
Mortals were the next he spoke of "Where the light ends and the darkness begins. A new life is formed. A life made of your fears your nightmares and of your dreams and aspirations. They are trapped somewhere in between."::

"Cold night"::I said to myself. I walked a little farther and a chill ran up my spine, not a chill from the cold, a chill from a friend or feind:: "Nice meeting you here Methous"::I spun around t ofind the uimmortal from the Russian Urals, his sword Ivan in hand::"Been a long time Xavior"::I said as unsheathed Angel::"After all this time, your gonna taste good"::I said, thrusting Angel forward. He parried and ripposted into my parry::"Dust to
Dust"::I said as I brought Angel high for the finnal stroke::


He's a warlord again.......Yeah