A family

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DoS Archive
Posts: 30701
Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:27 am

A family

Post by DoS Archive » Thu Mar 18, 2004 10:03 am

Date: 9/1/97 11:57 AM Pacific Standard Time
From: LdyAja

::Aja walked out of the arena late one night, shocked. So much so she had forgotten her right boot in the arena. Spikushell had just told her she was indeed AJaybird' sister that was stolen by gypsy's when she was a baby. She sat on the bench outside of the arena and was trying to grasp the fact that she was no longer alone in this world. She in one moment had back something stolen from her years ago. Her family. "Wow." Was all she could manage to say. She thought about the Quistguard Clan traveled the
lands of RhyDin and were harsh people. Aja learned many things in their presence. The ways of theives, the skills of a knife, and how to question everything and everyone. Being gypsys they were, they were a dishonest bunch, and attempted more than once to take her innocence from her. She learned to fight for her life. She ran away with the help of a pirate, named Tantau. He liked her spunk and the way she handled a knife in battle. Once on his ship she learned the ways of the sea, how to defend herself
in strange towns and how a smile could get her farther than anything else could. Her and Tantau went seperate ways after a few years. She found a route between a town called Arcadia and the island of Avalon that was profitable and she was earning the respect of the towns people. Tantau, happy as he always was went off to find more information, for he loved learning new things. He sailed off and Aja was once more on her own. She was becoming a beautiful woman and had to defend herself from wannabe
lovers more times than she could count. One particular day, a man named Tristan came to her defense. They became friends and eventually she married him, figureing he was all she would know of family. Little to her knowledge, Tristan was ill, and soon he passed on. Leaving everything to Aja and instructions to his men to protect her. One of the men tried to leave the service of Tristans ship, and was killed for his lack of loyalty. She had no more desire to run the shipping yards after his death and
turned it's management over to Tristans first mate and best friend Rico. She set out for a place in RhyDin she heard of during her travels. The Dueling arena. A place to duel and find commradery. Never in her wildest dreams, had she imagined she would find her family here. Never in a million years did she believe it was possible. But it was. And indeed she had a family. A father, brothers even if one was attempting to kill the other. They were brothers. She had so many questions, so many thoughts
runnin through her head all at one time. She was sure of just one thing. She belonged somewhere and to someone, and for the first time in years, she cried. Happy, long overdue tears. As she made her way home, she once again dared to dream of things she had given up on long ago. And a rare happy laugh escaped her lips as she urged the horse into a full gallop.::
DoS Archive
Posts: 30701
Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:27 am

Post by DoS Archive » Thu Mar 18, 2004 10:03 am

Date: 9/2/97 4:43 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: Tantau

::With a chuckle and a small look of surprise:: Well, Aja... When would I ever have thought of endin' up in the same place as you again? It's been a wee while, eh? And with a mention of me in your little story as well. I'm flattered. Here's a toast to ye... I hope yer farin' well.