A comedy of errors (Casey)

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A comedy of errors (Casey)

Post by DoS Archive » Sat Oct 16, 2004 6:20 am

From: caseywildeyes@aol.com (Casey Wild Eyes)
Date: 11 Oct 1999 19:28:37 EDT

It had been a long night for the wild mage, Casey Wild Eyes. She was to be married last eve, but her love didn't show. Of course, at the time, she was sure he hated her and wanted nothing to do with her; that his not appearing was her fault.

Upset, she had stood up, claiming the sudden need to go to the bathroom ... until Tormay pointed out her wedding dress was all wet. Not understanding, she tried to pull away from the worried Sid and Jona; only to be told she was about to have a baby.

Stunned, she was pulled to the couch and forced to lay down. Labor ensued, and before the night was over, she was cradling a seven-month baby boy with the most beautiful brown eyes. At least they were beautiful to her. Looking into them, she could almost forget Avery had never shown for the wedding.

The next day, he came. Apparently he had found out from someone she was staying in Oakenshield Manor, and come there. Looking at him again brought tears anew to her eyes, and many apologies from her lips. He assured her that he did love her and want to marry her; and explained he had been attacked, and knocked out, unable to make it.

After she understood, and checked him over thoroughly for injuries, she told her own news; that he was now a father. With a gentle smile, she showed him the new babe, sleeping. They talked some as she woke the premature child to feed him, discussing the matter of what to name the boy. After much discussion, it was decided, and the family lay down together in the bed; falling into a contented sleep.

* * *

Later in the day, Avery had gone out, leaving mother and son snug together under the covers. A knock came to the door, and she groggily opened her eyes. Calling out a sleepy "Go 'way," the visitors entered anyway. Brightly Jaycy greeted her, Zen Rising in tow. They talked for some time, before the baby began to cry softly, again hungry. Begging their pardon, Casey asked her friends to leave, and expressed her thanks in their visit, and their
concern; also asking them to take a note to the boards and post it ... the birth announcement.

With a smile, Jaycy and Zen willingly agreed and left mother and son to themselves. It had been a long night, the first of many more to come, and Casey Wild Eyes would need her rest.