No going back (sl)

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No going back (sl)

Post by DoS Archive » Mon Oct 18, 2004 3:02 pm

From: (Bargos McConahue)
Date: 01 Dec 1999 01:21:36 EST

As he raced from the arena, he new this was it. Word travels quickly in RhyDin, he knew that. He must now stay on his toes, surely they were planning, waiting. Yet he could not leave, nor did he want too. The boy meant little to him anyhow, more of a punching bag than a person. Yet he couldn't help but think of the other's reaction's as the reaper cleaved the boy nearly in half. Jonalyn had surely already vowed to decapitate him at first
chance, and this had not been his first run in with the larger man, Verceterix. Though he knew, as long as he stuck with his group, nothing would become of him. Hell, half the people wouldn't kill him even if they had the chance. That is what has always been different about him, no remorse, no second thoughts.
Only once back to the safety of their home did he realize the blood spewed over him. His sleeveless shirt, though black, carried the remains of now dried blood. As did his pants and boots. Yet most amazing was the reaper, he had not realized the remains of the shirt wrapped about the blade, soaked in the crimson blood. His uncovered arms appeared more crimson than the tan flesh color of skin. As if someone had painted over them with a large brush.
No matter, it was nothing of concern to him, why should it be? The only change in him he was brought to his attention by 'Remains.' His eyes, no longer the murky, white, pools he was used to, now the pools were filled with a smokey gray, spiraling inward in a seemingly endless void.
Anyhow, This changed little in the grand scheme of things. He would learn the point system ways of dueling, like his counterparts, then the true terror would begin. Then they would see the true anger that dwells from deep with in.. Only then.