And so it ends

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DoS Archive
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And so it ends

Post by DoS Archive » Mon Oct 18, 2004 5:06 pm

From: (UserUnknown0)
Date: 06 Dec 1999 23:27:06 EST

The battle that had been faught between Sir Xeric and the unwelcome stranger known as Vincent had long since ended. They both had faught for the love of the fair Jade. A woman whos innocent manner and soft eyes brought one man into a life of overbearing need and insanity, and the other to honor and love. In the end the pain, the horid acts and the chilling things Vincent had done were all in vain. He met his death at Sir Xeric's hands. It was bound
to happen for he knew not what he was fighting against; A man of honorable love. Yet even as the last breath was squeezed from Vincent's throat he had her name on his lips... He had done it all for her.

He loved her and for that, met his death.


Vincent Willam Cortese
