The Last Home ((SL))

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The Last Home ((SL))

Post by DoS Archive » Mon Oct 18, 2004 8:17 pm

From: (LordGunthr)
Date: 21 Jan 2000 22:01:37 EST

At last, it was finished. He stood outside the complex, gazing up in awe at the fine craftsmanship. From the stained Oak logs, to the ever so detailed marble walkway approach, every detail was impeccable. The flowers on either side of the walkway were in full bloom, everything was magnificent. He studied the sign above the entrance for several minutes, a proud smile caressed his lips. It read "The Last Home's
Bar & Grill" and attached below that swung a smaller sign, etched in the wood read "Training Center." It was all coming together, his dreams were molding into reality. He at last moved to the entrance, pulling an intricately designed mahogany handle, he was immediately flooded with the wonderful aroma and happy chatter. The grand opening would be shortly there after, and he felt it best to leave the employees and their families alone until then. He
made his way through the crowd, to a door on the west wall. A sign above read, simply "training center." He moved down the spiraled staircase, slowly, running his hand against the wall as he moved, just to be sure it was real. He was awe struck as he reached the opening to the dojo. Sure, he had been here many times, but this was the first since it's completion. The equipment was all in order, the mats were laid out, clean. Adjacent the door rested
yet another door. This one lead to a dormitory layout, where his students could find a nice bed, and warmth. Though back in the main room hung various paintings, mostly of war heroes from long past, though a few could be recognized from the arena itself. Of course, however, he left one wall alone, with only the master of the technique upon it, the man he credited for his ability. The painting of RC rested upon that wall, nothing to divert your
attention from it. His gaze would look upon the duelist as it did him before, that famous look he had.
He would pass on the techniques he had learned, as well as preach values long forgotten. This would be where he would retire to, when the time came, this was his true love.

((The story line will be moved to the Tails of the arenas, under "The Last Home's Bar, Grill, and training center" as soon as the thread is opened.))