HeartBane - 5

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HeartBane - 5

Post by DoS Archive » Sat Oct 30, 2004 1:26 pm

From: lrdarcanum@aol.com (LrdArcanum)
Date: 16 Jul 2000 18:12:43 EDT

He continues along the road still mulling over the whys of Amerlee and what could have driven her into the torrent. Deep in thought he barely noticed when the war horse came to a halt. It's soft whinny brought him back to the here and now to see a shrouded figure standing in the road. No breeze disturbed the quiet day, but the robes of the figure billowed out as if it was fighting a great wind.

Dismounting, he approached the figure, well aware that it was watching him from within the shroud. As he approached the figure held up a cautionary hand, then a voice boomed out. "You would know of Amerlee"?. "Yes" he replied. For a long moment there was a pause then the voice spoke in a slow, cadenced voice

The outer form gold and white fair to the eye
Black on black on black
as if the very darkness inside her
conspired to hide the sweet taste of corruption from the seer

A scarlet smile stretching mirthlessly over fine white teeth
oddly long
oddly sharp

Black eyes drinking in light
giving nothing back
swallowing the soul of those who gazed too long

Long pale fingers encased in dull gold
except for the nails
scalloped black nails
bringing those who loved her to a shuddering state

Touching her skin
provoked addictive desire to touch those lips

Ahhh, those lips hiding a snarling endless need
To kiss her was death of the will
her breath chilling the soul
shattering life's moorings

Until your mind like a blackened mirror
shatters into a thousand shards
cutting into the core
tearing the heart in twain

True daughter of darkness
to love her was death
I died in her arms a thousand times

Now she is gone
I have no purpose
No life
No will of my own
But I hunger greatly

The shrouded figure tensed as if to spring and the rider remembered the sigil and pulled it forth into the light of day. The heavy disk with it's crawling seething runes caught the sun, magnified the light and poured it into the shrouded one. None such as that can survive such a light and the figure screamed a high keening wail and slowly faded away. The expression on its face was not but one of pure hate and hunger as it too faded away.

Shrugging, the rider looked at the horse who just stomped a heavy foot restlessly. He mounted and in a bemused state continued his travels in Greylin To his horse he spoke quietly 'We have heard the dark speak of her, soon we will hear the light"

((It bothers me not to transfer my musings to this venue. I am flattered that so many of you take the time to read them))