Commissioned Works

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Commissioned Works

Post by DoS Archive » Tue Nov 02, 2004 6:53 pm

From: (Spikushell)
Date: 16 Aug 2000 13:17:24 EDT

One time too many the night time silence had taken her thoughts. This time it was back to the arts. The simpleness of the forge and the canvas. How easy it was to create the works that so many had asked for. Sometimes it was more in her eyes what she gave than what was asked but it was mostly the same...mostly. The oddball collection of names and information and materials had grown
till it was overburdening her study. The multitude of canvas and fabrics that she had been gifted over the years was starting to gain her attention.

Time to clean it out.

Taking a quill and setting it to a fresh parchment she crafted her note.

Notice to All: Due to an overabundance in materials and time, any wishing to take advantage of having a Coat of Arms, Banner, Heraldic Crest or the like, Portraits as well crafted custom, please inquire to Spike u'Shell Momus.

Gathering up a few tacks, she called for Phal from the balcony to fly off to the cork to place the notice.