HeartBane 7

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HeartBane 7

Post by DoS Archive » Sat Nov 06, 2004 8:39 am

From: lrdarcanum@aol.com (LrdArcanum)
Date: 30 Sep 2000 22:02:09 EDT

The horseman pauses as he looks at the gala event being held in the valley below him. A stiff breeze flutters the pennant and he can hear excited voices raised in song and laughter above the din of the jousts.

Smiling to himself, he gently kicks the warhorse in the ribs and they start down the trail to the valley. After a few minutes ride they stop again and then angle off into a copse of trees. Dismounting the horseman unloads his gear and methodically dresses himself in the gray and silver of his order. Pulling the cover from his shield he bows his head as the wheeled cross is exposed once again.

Falling to his knees he prays earnestly for guidance and skill as he travels this rode chosen for him by others. Finally, he stands and repacks his traveling clothes. When he is ready he puts on the helm, the hawkyes cuts giving him ample room to see. Whistling softly he summons the warhorse which sidles over to a rock. The horseman steps up onto the rock nd then swings into the saddle. Chucking softly he heads out of the copse of trees and into
another path of his journey.

A slip of vellum falls unnoticed from his pack and lands on the rock where a fitful gust of wind picks it up and impales in on a thorn tree. The words. "My beloved you must flee the Baron's men come for you" ~Emaline~ are given to the uncaring sky.