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DoS Archive
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Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:27 am


Post by DoS Archive » Sun Nov 07, 2004 10:23 am

From: (Lyon xx)
Date: 10 Feb 2001 16:21:09 EST

The time had come and Lyon could feel it. The burning on his chest was the Phoenix Tattoo reforming. Only his Master was not returning. Lyon was being called to service again. But there was one thing to do before he departed and he made his way to the Arena where he posted one last note.

To the Community,

I retire. The ring twill be delivered into the proper hands.

Daegarth Mithmellon
House of Phoenix

With that, Lyon made his way out as quietly as he had entered. He only now awaited for the tattoo to completly form and restore his power to reunite with his family.