Of Means and Ends.

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Of Means and Ends.

Post by DoS Archive » Wed Nov 10, 2004 11:50 am

From: queenluthien@aol.com (Queen Luthien)
Date: 24 May 2001 14:13:16 EDT

Seated atop the onyx hued destrier, Luthien waited in the shadowy alley beside the arena's back entrance. The air was stagnant without the spring wind that normally cooled the streets of RhyDin. Ferril cats sifted through the refuse piled along the opposite wall that belonged to the Inn, oblivious to the Elf upon her war steed. Luthien was equally oblivious to the
insignificant gutter life that crept the alley around her. For finally, today would bring back to her a long sought possession. It had been a great while since she had used the talisman for the greater good. Thats what she had hoped to convince herself that the slaying of Prudence had been for in the arena rings so long ago, using the Sword of Vile Remorse. After all, there would be no Duel of Swords now, but for her unspoken of deed,
and Prudence's sacrifice. Luthien examined her timepiece and shifted her weight upon the patient horse.

A short, wirey-thin man appeared at the mouth of the alley, silhouetted at the border of shadows and sunlight. He walked confidently forward into the alley, carrying a long bundle over his right shoulder and wearing a smug grin under his squinty eyes. The thief offered no greetings as he looked up at Luthien, towering over him on the impossibly tall black war beast. He spoke with the tell tale accent of the lowest born of men.

"I'ave it." blurted the thief, not minding to keep his voice down. "Boot'n ya'ave ta be pay'n me first!"

"Surely you're mistaken, thief." replied Luthien, cooly. "It is you what owed me a debt which was for your life. For you would not have it, had I not stayed the enraged hand of MacKenzie that recent night of your misfortune. Or have you so soon forgotten how you tried to murder first Cassius Gaius Maximius, and then did shoot foolishly, directly at Ian himself..... immediately forfeiting your own sorry hide in the process." Luthien
leaned down as she spoke sharply at the thief. "No, it is you who owes me...that which you carry in your arms. Hand it up and you'll have coin soon enough, though count that a bonus for we are not nearly even as far as debts are counted."

The thief wore a scowl as he lifted the package into Luthien's waiting hands. She balanced it across her lap over the horse's withers, dug in her pocket and tossed down a small bag of silver pieces to the greedy little human. "Be gone now thief." snapped the Elf, eager to inspect her package. When she looked over again, he was still standing there..... she lifted an irritated brow.

"Wha'n ya'be wanting wi'da ugly ass sword an'how?" asked the thief, proving his lack of manners by digging in his ear at the same time.

Luthien unwrapped the Sword of Vile Remorse from the saccloth, it reflected no light, but rather absorbed it onto it's dull black surface. She narrowed her eyes at the thief, taking the familiar hilt in hand. In a single fluid swing, she swung the blade out carving a long thin gouge in the wood siding of the Arena wall. The scar was clean and perfect as the sharp edge of Vile Remorse. The thief just looked at it dumbly. Luthien urged her
destrier forward, her words whispering down as she passed him....

"Lets just say I intend to be prepared for the future."