Thursday Night

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Thursday Night

Post by DoS Archive » Fri Nov 19, 2004 4:03 pm

From: (Zur030)
Date: 07 Oct 2002 19:34:55 EDT

Grayson left the Arena with much on his mind. The night had started much like any other, friendly duels between regulars with a few new faces thrown into the mix. Arithon came in looking beaten and battered. He left each duel looking worse than when he entered the ring. Still, Grayson didn't pay much attention to it until Ari fought Dom. When the final blow
fell, Ari didn't get back up.

Grayson shuddered involuntarily, remembering those moments. Wondering why Ari just lay there. Admittedly, Dom had trounced him. Maybe Ari was just tired, disappointed in the outcome of the duel. That's when Grayson noticed the pool of blood forming under Ari's left shoulder. The shock passed quickly and three decades of battlefield instincts took over. Grayson was at Ari's side, applying rudamentary first aid, attempting to staunch the flow of

The wound was deep. Bone fragments could be seen intermingled with the torn flesh. Others had by now picked up on the situation and Grayson left Ari to the the much more skilled hands of Quinn, Amaltea, and Jehanne. This gave Grayson his first real chance to think about what was happening.

Blood was not an uncommon sight in the Arena's rings. But Ari had been out of the ring for well over five minutes now. The Ward wasn't healing him. Grayson looked around the Arena for the first time since Ari fell. Dom was nursing an open wound in his stomach. Cassius and Cletus both left their duel with blood flowing from many wounds.

Grayson barely heard Amaltea when she mentioned the newly acquired statues, gifts from the Blindfold's proxy...