Entering and Breaking

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DoS Archive
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Entering and Breaking

Post by DoS Archive » Thu Mar 03, 2005 6:39 pm

From: razoredwrists@aol.com (Razored Wrists)
Date: 21 Dec 2003 19:04:52 EST

The First Catholic Church of RhyDin.

At this time of night, it was a quiet sort of place. Almost ... tomb like. The sort of place that would echo terribly if she made even the slightest of mistakes. She liked that sort of challenge. And a challenge was what she needed. Everything else had become so ... routine. Not that routine was necessarily bad, but...

She certainly wasn't in need of anything the church had to offer, in fact, religious relics didn't fetch all that much on the market from what she'd seen of them. She just needed ... something!

The narthex was no challenge at all, she slipped in all to easily. Once they adjusted to the dimness, her eyes went wide at the sheer grandeur of the church's interior. She was, to say the least, awestruck. She'd never had a religious education of any kind, and other than thinking there was a God and a heaven, and knowing there was a hell ... she never even gave it much thought.

Nor did she give any thought to the chill that shot through her, straight to the bone. Churches were known to be drafty, weren't they? Maybe those plaques at the foot of the statues could be melted down and sold off...

She rather ignored the way the sculptured saints seemed to watch her, ever silent in their eternal vigil over the church. Eyes on statues didn't move anyway, it was just an optical illusion. Her own silent footsteps paused a moment, her head tipping slightly towards the front of the church... Had she heard something? The black clad woman shook her head gently, it was just nerves. This wasn't any different from any other job she had ever pulled, other than the fact that it was her first time in a church. She was good at what she did, and she well knew it.

As she pulled out her mini tool kit, a sparkle gleamed in her peripheral vision. Dark eyes slowly turned towards the altar at the head of the church. A slow grin spread on her lips ... the sacramental chalice -- gleaming in gold and symbolizing the riches of heaven, now THAT could net some profit. The plaques of the long dead were forgotten. She turned and headed for that bit of treasure. Though her movements were silent, her quickened breaths seemed much louder to her own ears than they ever had, as though each exhalation was a screamed confession.

The very thought of a confession confused her ... where had that come from she wondered. Her mind wandered off into the pondering of such a foreign concept as she stole ever closer to the golden grail.

Anyone who knew her was well aware of the woman's sure-footedness and impeccable balance. She could give most trained gymnasts a run for their money. So imagine the shock she felt when upon taking that final step towards the chalice, she somehow stumbled ... on a flat floor and hit her knees. The thump echoed throughout the empty church, just how she imagined it would, but her own startled gasp seemed even louder. The string of extremely unladylike cursing was cut off sharply as her eyes lifted, meeting the piercing, accusing glare of the formidable statue over the altar.

Her brother's words of earlier in the night slammed into her head as though he were right there, screaming in her ear. A myriad of thoughts and remembrances of past deeds whirled in her mind, an internal storm raging out of control. She cried out involuntarily, her head falling to her hands, palms clapping down harshly over her ears...


She knelt there for a long moment, trembling for reasons she couldn't even begin to comprehend. It was with weakened knees and stumbling steps that she finally rose up and turned away, headed for the exit ... empty handed.

Paige Jenna Ramirez
DoS Archive
Posts: 30701
Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:27 am

Post by DoS Archive » Thu Mar 03, 2005 6:39 pm

From: karenwilder@aol.com (Karen Wilder)
Date: 21 Dec 2003 23:17:26 EST

It wasn't that the Church was unguarded... and it certainly wasn't that the guards weren't good at their jobs...

But the Tabernacle was open to any, at any time of the day or night.

Father William had been watching over the Cathedral... but even priests must answer the call of nature. The vast emptiness of the Cathedral was overwhelming, even to those who spent most of their time there.

Karen was walking the grounds that night... it was one of her habits. Testing the guards around the Vestry's quarters... walking along the outer walls like a ghost... She was something of a terror to the younger recruits, but the Commander appreciated her tireless devotion.

She'd heard the cry from the Cathedral and raced that way... she'd told Bishop Edmund that guards should be posted outside the Tabernacle, but he'd refused... 'Weapons do not belong in the House of the Lord', he'd said.

When she reached the wide open doors, she paused... the sound of stumbling footsteps heralded someone's approach. Peering around the edge, she saw her...

Her breath caught in her throat and she leaned back against the door... just as PJ was stepping through the doorway, and Father William was hurrying in.

"Hello?" he called...
DoS Archive
Posts: 30701
Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:27 am

Post by DoS Archive » Thu Mar 03, 2005 6:39 pm

From: razoredwrists@aol.com (Razored Wrists)
Date: 28 Dec 2003 17:12:08 EST

"Hello?" he called...

PJ was startled once again, this time at the calling voice. She pushed past the man who was just a blur - thanks to teary, dark eyes- hitting her top running speed in no time at all. She might be out of thieving practice, but thanks to dueling, she was far from out of shape.

She hoped for a split second that she didn't cause the man any harm. She had no idea How hard she had pushed him, or what she had pushed him into. All she could think of was getting out of there, as though the accusing statues might somehow come to life and give chase.

Three, four, or maybe it was ten blocks later, PJ finally slowed down. She'd crossed over into Badside. It was as close to home turf as PJ had. She pressed a hand harshly into the burning stitch at her side, her face contorting and twisting up with the pain. Her lips curled into a sneer as a rather unladylike string of curses like they were the magic words to make the hurting stop.

She kept walking, pausing every so often to stoop down, or duck into an alley. Though she'd long ago stopped running, her heart still pounded furiously in her chest. It brought back memories of days gone by when such heart racing was caused by synthetic means. But she'd give that up long time gone now...

So what was this? Exertion? No, she absolutely knew that wasn't the case. Guilt? That wasn't something she was used to feeling, at least not in this type of situation. She leaned up against a rough brick wall, with no thought for what the rugged surface might do to the soft leather. Her tight braid was snared by the tiny crags on the brick face, breaking a few strands as she lowered her chin towards her chest.

"OK, Paige Jenna... Just calm down ... nothing happened... Ya just got freaked out..." She looked around again, glad no one was about to see her talking to herself. Then again, in Badside, no one would look twice at a psycho talking to themselves, would they? Hell, even Harris wouldn't be a spectacle here.

She pushed off the wall once again, destination: unknown. Home was out of the question ... she needed to think this through...
DoS Archive
Posts: 30701
Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:27 am

Post by DoS Archive » Thu Mar 03, 2005 6:39 pm

From: karenwilder@aol.com (Karen Wilder)
Date: 08 Jan 2004 02:14:54 EST

To say Father William was surprised would be an understatement. PJ pushed past him, causing him to stumble back into the pews before sitting roughly.

"Well now..." he muttered. He watched the woman run from the Cathedral with a frown. "The people here are so rude..."

After a moment, he noticed movement in the shadowed doorway. A bit more cautious this time, he called from where he sat. "Hello?"

Karen caught herself... she'd wanted chase after PJ, but knew that she shouldn't. It wasn't her place. She took a deep breath and stepped out into the light. "It's jest me, Father William... Come tae see what th' fuss was."

"Ah... Captain Wilder." He gave a slight bow. "I really couldn't say what that was all about. I'd just stepped out for a moment, and just as I was coming back I heard the woman cry out."

Karen nodded, and he continued. "It's possible that the woman is tainted, and thought she could invade the House of the Lord."

Karen frowned deeply at that... but she couldn't let on that she knew who the woman was. "I's'll report this tae th' Commander an' tae Bishop Edmund. These lands ain't like home, an' I still don' like leavin' th' Cathedral without guards."

It was Father William's turn to nod. "Perhaps you are right, Captain. I will add my recommendation to your report, if you'll bring it by my office when it's ready."

Karen stepped over and helped him up from the pew. "I's'll be sure tae do thet, Father." Receiving the Father's blessing, she turned and left the Cathedral... torn by her feelings and her duty.