Sweet Death

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DoS Archive
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Sweet Death

Post by DoS Archive » Fri Apr 02, 2004 1:31 pm

Date: 10/4/97 7:40 AM Pacific Standard Time
From: MorteDulce

::Morte sits for many days in the vale where her grave is. Alone with her thoughts and regrets, she realizes her folly. She moves out o' the vale, a soft golden glow being the only clue to her passing. Morte enters the town, watching as many o' her friends pass by her. In her hand, she holds the golden heart given to her by the goddess with the words Love Can Overcome Any Obstacle engraved on the front. She had pondered the gift for many days before she had finally understood it's message. A raven landed on the sign above the entrance to the Arena, cocking it's head."what news, Ravyn?" Morte thought to her friend.The answer filled her mind with sadness. " He seeks another to love, Morte."::Morte nods, profoundly glad that no one can see her now, see her pain and despair. She looks at the Golden Heart on her palm, knowing that the goddess knew how this would fall out and wondering again about the message. A soft melodic voice suddenly fills her mind, the answer clear and unexpected. ::::A lone figure walks towards the Arena, his familiar visage bringing a smile to Morte spirit. She moves to him brushing his face with her ghostly lips, her voice whispering his name. He looks around surprised and whispers her name back "Morte". Slowly and with effort, she materializes enough for him to recognize her. He smiles at her, the love in his eyes apparent. Morte puts out her hand, dropping the Golden Heart into his hand. Slowly fading from his sight, praying to the goddess that he would understand.::
DoS Archive
Posts: 30701
Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:27 am

Post by DoS Archive » Fri Apr 02, 2004 1:32 pm

Date: 10/6/97 11:50 AM Pacific Standard Time
From: Jakvaltrds

Confused by the events of the evening, Seamus starts the long walk home. His fist, tightly clenched around the golden heart he had recieved from the wraith.
Thinking him self crazy, as he had spoken to her. It can't be he had muttered under his breath. Opening his hand and looking at the tiny heart , he realises it must be true. She had appeared before him, alsmost shimmering, bearly visible, yet the voice was hers a voice that told him of her love for him. Love? He pondered her meaning, for he had never spoken of his feelings to her, he had never felt the pangs in his heart of a man *in love*. He did
love her, for her charm, her wit and for the warm a carring friendship they had forged. Perhaps he had not seen the feelings she did hold for him, and then perhaps she had loved him in this very same way. All he knew was he had to find the answer, and the yearning to find it was driving him to her.
He was carrying the blade called truth, Traegon had awarded him. He had not been one of the original members of the circlet, yet he knew of the glade and the swords.
As his mind wandered, he felt him self drawn to the glade. He moved with a sense of purpose now, as if he knew the way, he made his way through the forest and into the clearing where Daemons blade stood lodged into the stone.
As if he had expected her to be here, Seamus was lost to the feeling of disappoinment when he found himself alone. He moved to the mound where the blades had been, and ther he sat, lost to his thoughts.
Crying out from his silence, his heart heavy from her death, the emotions welling up that he could no longer keep inside. " Why have you taken her?", to no one in particular. "Why did she have to die?," in these words he realised the meaning of his love for her, She had been like the daughter he never had. She had asked his council, she had softened his hardened heart,and allowed him to be a giving and caring person once more. The love they shared
was not of passion, but of kindness and sharing that a man would for his child.
Seamus' eyes begin to tear as he sensed the truth of this loss. The heart that she had given him slips between his fingers and drops to the ground within the circlet. It lay there amongst the fallen leaves for a moment, the gleam of the moonlight refleting as if to beckon him to it.
Leaning to regain his hold, a single tear drop falls from the old Scots eye. As the drop falls, it lands upon the necklace and a vapor begins to form around the heart that sends Seamus reeling back in dismay.
He stands and he observes the action of the vapor, flowing out from the center of the circlet, low to the ground like the mist over the moors. The vapor then began to form the silouhette of a woman, as is by some magic, the shape began to coalesce. Seamus watched in awe at the event, first her face, then her body. At last the vapor lifts from the form, leaving a beautiful creature in its absence. She begins to shiver as she lay there unclothed.
Quickly he removes the clock from his shoulders and drapes it over her. Her face turns to his,peircing his very essence. Looking back into her eyes, he realised that it was Morte. The face not the same, but the spirit was that of his beloved friend.
DoS Archive
Posts: 30701
Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:27 am

Post by DoS Archive » Fri Apr 02, 2004 1:32 pm

Date: 10/6/97 12:02 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: MorteDulce

::The first thing Morte remembers is the odd feelin o' breathe in her lungs, then the soft rustle byher side. She turns her face to the sounds, openin her eyes. With her vision blurred, she couldnae tell who was by her side. She cleared her throat and said in a soft voice "Who?". She rubbed her eyes, her vision clearin as she heard the reply "Tis Seamus, lass."She smiled at his voice, knowin that he had heard her plea and found how to use the Golden Heart. She struggled to sit up, her limbs heavy and weak from her long sleep. She felt his hand in hers, his other hand on her arm, helping her to sit. "Easy, Morte" Seamus says. "Tis no need to hurry". She shook her head, her voice sounded rough in her ears. "Nae, Morte now, Seamus..." her voice whispered out "Swyt....Deth". :: *cont*

@---,--'-- Morte --'--,---@
DoS Archive
Posts: 30701
Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:27 am

Post by DoS Archive » Fri Apr 02, 2004 1:33 pm

Date: 10/6/97 12:13 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: Swyt Deth

::Swyt sees Seamus raise a brow at her, "Sweet Death?" he mutters " that's always been your name, dear". She smiles at him, and looking down realizes that she wears only his cloak. ::"Och, Seamus" Swyt laughs, " I seem ta be a wee bit under-dressed. Mayhaps you can help me ta Kys's cottage?""of course, M...Sweet. Twould be a pleasure."::They walk together out of the Glade of the Guardians, Sweet leanin on the arm of her oldest and dearest friend.::
DoS Archive
Posts: 30701
Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:27 am

Post by DoS Archive » Fri Apr 02, 2004 1:33 pm

Date: 10/9/97 6:00 AM Pacific Standard Time
From: Swyt Deth

::Kys arranges the pillows behind Mykal's head, he open his eyes and saw her worried face.::"hush, love" she whispers.." I healed yer hurts but ye'll have pains yet awhile. Now sleep awhile longer, Mykal."::He closes his eyes, a slight smile on his lips. Kys turns to Sweet and Khrys, her eyes bright with tears.::"Kys, he lives...Sweet pulled him here in time." Khrys comforted Kys.::Sweet Death walks calmly to the window, her eyes piercin the darkness around the cottage. She turns around to face Khrys and her sister, and they gasp in surprise. On Sweet's forehead is, š , the mark of the Goddess. Her eyes blaze red and her skin has a hard golden appearance. Sweet walks to the fire in the hearth and puts her right hand deep inta the flames. When she draws it out, there is a fiery red blade in her hand. She looks beyound Khyrsta and Kys....her eyes locked with an unseen presence.::"Arrow o' the Goddess" ::Sweet whispers as she walk softly out o' the cottage.::

Sweet DeathArrow o' the Goddess