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Return to Rhydin

Post by DoF Archive » Tue Apr 06, 2004 2:17 pm

Date: 5/30/1998 2:14 PM Central Daylight Time
From: Morhgun

A cold rain pelts thru the night as the shawdowy figure rides thru the dark quiet streets or RhyDIn, passing the darkened shops and houses as he goes. The man brings the horse to a halt in front of the Red Dragon Inn. He can hear the sound of music, merriment, laughter. Sounds that are not that alien to him, yet not that familiar. Dismounting, he hitches his mount to the post in front of him , and walks toward the Inn. But to thefront door he does not go , instead circling around the side and heading for the rear of the establishment. To a building behind the Inn, a large almost coliseum like building, two stories tall. Standing under the eave of the Inn, the man lowers the hood of his oilskin slicker, and stares at the building with his one good eye. He remembers the friends he made there a few short moons ago, and of the duels and bouts fought there. " The Outback. Did not think to ever see this place again......" and places a hand to the patch covering the socket of his missing eye. " Just now to get back in the groove of combat.....just the thing to mend a torn heart and soul," he mutters to himself.He sees the posting board for the rings, and moves to it. He locates the post for the ranks, and scans to see if his name still exists. His finger tracing down the list of names, remembering some and not recognizing others until he stops on his own: Morhgun." Atleast my registration is still on the books," Morhgun turns, one more look at the Outback, and moves back to the front of the Inn. Untying the bay's reins, he looks for a stable close by for lodging for his horse, then hopes the Inn has a vacancy or two.Djef Morhgun of the Clan Morhgun