Listening to the rain, contemplating

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Listening to the rain, contemplating

Post by DoF Archive » Tue Apr 06, 2004 2:36 pm

Date: 6/8/1998 5:31 PM Central Daylight Time
From: Xreek

Xreek was sitting in his room at his house, the rain Going pitter patter, pitter patter, agains the roof. He thought about DoF, and his new life to come..making ruby in only one Week. He smiled, knowing as he might get better in the weeks to come, someday, maybe even being an opal. He dreamed about it every night before, Having one of the opals as his own..ShadoWeaver, Moonberryl, IceDancer, Pathfinder, Firestar. He knew he was going to do it..But
which one? He scribbled something on a peice of paper about the powers of each one. He didnt like The forest, so he crossed Pathfinder off. He didnt like darkness, so he crossed ShadoWeaver off. He was afraid of Fire, so he crossed off Firestar..Two left..which was he to decide.. He grew up in a frozen wilderness, so he knew he could harness the powers of the opal, IceDancer, but moonberryl..the one opal he knew nothing about..The one that puzzles
him, in an exciting way..Suddenly, a knock on the door came. Xreek stood up, the peice of paper in his hand. He opened the door, and a DoF official was standing at the door. "Oh, hello" xreek said. "I am here to give you your ruby," the offical said. Xreek took the Ruby and marveled at it..Nodding to the offical and shutting the door. He slipped it on his finger and said.."Im one step closer" Xreek, then sat back down in the chair, continuing
listening to the pitter patter of the rain, still thinking to himself. 'If i want Icedancer, ill know all about it. Considering im experienced with magics of the cold..Yet, id have to face one of the All time greats in DoF..' Then an idea struck xreek. Maybe, he could challenge for moonberryl, he had no idea what in the heck *THAT* opal did, but who cares, he was pretty sure he could learn. He stood up and smiled to himself. Now to get to emerald..He
nodded to himself and put his raincoat on, Stepping outside and walking down the paved street in the rain.

((Note: This is not a post, nor a of yet..i have made up my mind that i want moonberryl when the time comes that i get emerald..if i made people upset, im sorry, but i just wanted to post about it.