No more ref man.. (Goon)

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DoF Archive
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Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:28 am

No more ref man.. (Goon)

Post by DoF Archive » Wed Apr 07, 2004 1:33 pm

Date: 7/21/1998 4:32 AM Central Daylight Time
From: RDI Goon

It was the week's end. Right? Goon was never quite sure. On a hunch, however, he decided to head into town and talk to the librarian, Sue, who had been so helpful and nice to him over the past months. She said she had something important to talk to him about.. but what? It wasn't like her to be mysterious and quiet about things. Not that he could remember.

Bounding and crashing through the front doors of the library, Goon was greeted with a playful shushing from the older woman at the desk. He grinned and stumbled behind the desk, tromping into Sue's office without so much as a knock. Flustered, but not all that surprised, she smiled at Goon and motioned for him to sit down.

"Hello, Goon... take a seat, ok?"

Grinning and nodding, the big lug flopped down in the specially reinforced chair. He sat there, looking at her, wondering what was going on. Right on cue, she began to speak.

"Goon, do you remember telling me that you wanted to fight more? That you missed it, and maybe if you weren't a referee anymore, you could do get more practice in?"

He nodded slowly. "Goon like be ref man. Goon like fight lot lot."

She smiled. "Wonderful... we've found someone who can take your place. He's been specially trained for the last week or two, and I believe he'll do wonderfully. He should be stopping by a little later so you can meet him."

Goon blinked, a little sadness in his expression. "Goon no more be ref man?"

He was greeted in response by a practiced, understanding look. "Now Goon.. you like to fight. This way, you can fight more, practice more.. isn't that what you want?"

"Goon like be ref man.."

Sue's voice turned a bit sharper at the sign of fickleness. "If you want to do well, it's going to take hard work. One way you can start concentrating on improving is if you stop being a referee."

Goon was surprised, and it showed. The nice little librarian had never been angry at him before... why was she now? Or was she at all?

Her voice lightened considerably, adding to his confusion. "Goon, I want you to be the best you can, that's all. Wouldn't it be wonderful to be the Diamond?"

A grin and a nod, Goon trademarks both, showed his agreement. "Goon like be Diamond jaw! Want do! Library lady say got stop be ref man, Goon know lot smart, Goon do... can be ref man after be Diamond jaw!"

The dialogue was interrupted by a sharp rapping at the door.

"Oh, that must be him. Come in..."
DoF Archive
Posts: 2684
Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:28 am

Enter the new guy

Post by DoF Archive » Wed Apr 07, 2004 1:34 pm

Date: 7/22/1998 8:28 PM Central Daylight Time
From: Deuce Mack

Far from home, a young thug made his way to a library in a strange town, and through wit, charm, or luck, managed to secure a job.

But not just any job. His experience with refereeing boxing matches in a few different gyms back home had landed him the position of Assistant Supervisor of the Duel of Fists. Today, he was to meet the man he would succeed, and start on the long road to success. Or so he hoped.

He entered the library amidst a few odd glances. Ignoring, or perhaps simply used to them, the kid made his way to the office of the head librarian and knocked quickly.

"Come in..." The sweet voice from inside made his instincts scream something was wrong.

The doorknob clicked open slowly.. and inside..

"Wha' tha hell!" Before him was a large man.. no, not large, humongous.. how did anyone have arms that big? Or legs? Or anything for that matter? How many 'roids did it take to create.. it?

"Deuce, Deuce, it's ok.. this is Goon, the person I was telling you about." Sue's reassuring smile did little to alleviate the intense amazement showing in the young man's eyes.

Goon grinned. "Deuce man hi!" He was three feet away, why was he waving?

Sue chuckled. "I guess Goon picked up on your name already. Well, this was really all I wanted you to come in for.. I felt it important for you both to meet, since Goon is also a regular patron of the Duels."

"Yeah.. dat's.. dat's coo'... kin I go now?" As much as he wanted to make a good impression, Deuce knew a bad fight when he saw one, and he sure as hell didn't want to risk this being some kind of ambush.

Much to his surprise, he was greeted by a slow nod. Taking no chances, he ran out, baggy clothes flying behind him, even before the "Of course" could pass Sue's lips.

((Basically, these two posts are to show the "passing of the guard". RDI Goon is no more. It's RDI Deuce now. Same player, different characters.. any questions, feel free to ask me.))