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Post by DoF Archive » Fri Mar 12, 2004 6:56 pm

Date: 8/29/1997 2:34 AM Central Standard Time
From: TismanBRos

Tis wandered the streets of RhyDin, trying to figure out where he was going. It had been a trying period for him in the past several months, and he had no clue of what was happening in his life. Tis wandered somewhat aimlessly, an old Aborigine friend had called such a thing a "walkabout". A walkabout... wandering aimlessly in search of yourself. Yes, that's what Tis was doing. No strings to pull him in any given direction, no place to hide, only himself and the forests that lay before his
slow methodical footsteps.
Tis found himself in a thick grove far beyond the town limits, and sat down to think of things. He hadn't been well recieved by some as of late, and it seemed that the swarming masses that he had been in contact with had been little more than ants looking to beat each other to death. Few had taken the time to take a drink or sit and wind down a little, most hopping in and out of the ring with their fancy signs and willingness to fight. At least, so it had been in the Outback recently...
Tis lit a cigarette and leaned against a thick oak. He thought of the children and Kadi, and not having spent as much time with them as he should have. Tis also thought of his newfound friend Ryan Mercury. He thought of a small chat that they had one night in the Outback of becoming bounty hunters. He liked the idea... get payed for bringing in the riff raff. He liked the idea more each time he thought about it, and wondered just how many of the growing swarm was wanted by the law. Of course,
he would need to question the people that he was working for... and the accused. If it be a petty thing the individual was charged with, then it would not be worth the bother...
Tis sighed and leaned against the tree, smoking and thinking. He sat for a long time before continuing with his search for what his heart wanted. He didn't know when he'd come back. The only thing that Tis knew for sure was that he hoped that the state of affairs was better when he got back...