To Kill a Dodo Bird

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DoF Archive
Posts: 2684
Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:28 am

To Kill a Dodo Bird

Post by DoF Archive » Fri Mar 12, 2004 6:57 pm

Date: 8/29/1997 12:26 PM Central Standard Time
From: NateRchmnd

Nate sat alone in the large room known as the Outback not letting the lack of light or the silence that hung in the air effect him. He had not had the chance to come around as often as he would have liked, and the few times his boots had found the familier surface he was often the only one here. He would often pause just long enough to have a drink an soak up some of the atmosphere which he so dearly missed.

Nate had come back with a purpose this time, a plan that was close to being fullfilled. He sat there with a carved wooden figure that had the shape of one of the Outback's most popular and visiable duelers. He let his hand fall over the cool piece of wood that rested in his hands and he smiled an evil smile.

Many months ago when Nate had recieved his emerald ring he had endured the taunts and unyielding wit of Coynz. Now it was Nate's turn to get back at the"Eternal Glass". The question was how to strike back at a man who lived to make a fool of himself? A man dedicated to blowing 4 point leads at any given moment? A man who thought a fancy hook was a good idea.

Nate had rocked back in forth on his chair in front of the Willow for months trying to figure the answer to this very question. Every moment he waited was another moment Coy took advantage of calling him "Fancy Pants" He could hear the tauting even in his sleep. The jeering of the leader of the unwashed masses was often to much for him to take and soon he became desperate for a solution.

Walking to the edge of his land Nate went to see a senile old lady that had been rumored to be invovled in magic. While Nate was never comfortable around such things he forced himself to ride out to see the old hag. So taking time away from his busy schedule of slopping the hogs Nate mounted up his horse and thundered with all haste to the east edge of the Willow.

The details of the meeting he was happy to forget, the various acts he was asked to perform for the services of the old woman were better left unspoken. But Nate could not be more pleased with the results. In her cracking voice she had pointed out that "What better way to strike at the heart of a proud unranked then to give him what he fears most?" Nate got a little lost on her train of thought and the hag paused briefly to give him the "Look"((Copyright1997PoiEnterprisesInc.)) and explain a bit more.
"He loves being a glass. Make him become ranked and he will be miserable." Nate slapped his forehead at the simplicity of it all and rushed home with the few materials he needed to complete his master plan.

Nate had waited for some time before getting up the nerve to use the "vodoo doll". He had wondered if this path of destroying Coy's life was worth it. He sweated for days wondering if his actions were somehow linked to jealousy, hatred, and anger. Putting the thing away he vowed that it was all far to sinister to be put into action. No man desrved such a fate.

Time had passed and Nate had wandered into the Outback once again to find Coy happily moving about his life without a care in the world. Nate smiled and greeted him and Coy responded in kind. They had spoken for a few brief moments during which Coy once again began to tease him over his emerald status.

Seething in anger Nate rushed home...vengence would be his. Scrambling through the door he withdrew the "Vodoo doll" Taking the tiny likness of a jade ring out along with it he slipped it over the tiny wooden hand. Much to Nate's dismay nothing really seemed to happen. He expected a big flash of light or perhaps time to stop but not a thing happened. Giving it up as a loss he pitched the doll back in the drawer and went about his duties.
DoF Archive
Posts: 2684
Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:28 am

To Kill a Dodo Bird...pt2

Post by DoF Archive » Fri Mar 12, 2004 7:00 pm

Date: 8/29/1997 12:27 PM Central Standard Time
From: NateRchmnd

A few weeks later he heard the news. Coy had won a match! But not only had he won one but he had won many more. He seemed to be gaining ground from the pit of losses he so loved to wallow in. Nate's face broke into a broad smile and his hands slapped together in glee. His efforts had been worth it he had struck a blow to the "Eternal Glass" raising his hand to the air Nate screamed "VENGENCE IS MINE !!!" In the distance a hog snorted.

When the standings came out Nate's hands shook as he looked for a single name.. There at the top of the standings was the list of duelers who had advanced for the week. There proudly among the others was Coy's name. The Eternal Glass was now the "Baby Jade". Nate's eyes filled with tears as he could finally live in peace and without the torment he had endured for so long.

Nate returned to the Outback to see the ruin that had become Coy's life. He saw the man seemed a bit more down then usual but for some reason his spirit was not yet broken!! He still seemed happy, how could this be?? As Nate peered on he saw that Coy was still accepted by the glass ranks. He saw that his other friends were actually still speaking to him and supporting him!!

In a fury Nate stalked from the Outback and went home to pout and complain. He tried to rack his brain for an even grander plan. Well hours passed and crickets chirped but nothing entered his mind. The only thing he could come up with was that Jade was not enough. He would have to push Coy deeper into the pits of the ranked. He would have to test his resolve and the love of his friends.

Getting back on his horse Nate rode hard to the Outback so he could be alone and not have the prying eyes of Kyt on him. Sitting in the darkness he pulled the jade ring off, slipping the new ruby one in its place.

Grinning Nate's green eyes peered into the blackness "Now we will see how much they love you. Will they still cheer for you when you are the Radical Ruby? Or the Succulent Sapphire? or the Enchanting Emerald ? Or best of all..the Dashing Diamond." Cackling Nate waited to see what would happen..