A return..

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A return..

Post by DoS Archive » Wed Feb 18, 2004 1:07 pm

Date: 8/17/97 1:31 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Llenlleawc

::Still wearing stained and torn travel clothes, a dripping Llen approaches the boards. Pulling a slightly damp roll of parchment from his pouch, he tacks it to the great board before hurrying back home to see to the work that remains undone.::

Greetings all. I have returned to the land of RhyDin. There is much to be done, and I shall have precious little time to spare for the immediate future, but I shall be about. As for my adventures at Camelot, well..perhaps this will help to tell the story...

((OOC Notes: The following is a story that I put together while away from my computer at home. There will be much to follow in the future, and I hope to get a good continuing SL started. I plan on working this up over the next week, and I hope it will add to the enjoyment of those of us who *do* see DoS as part of a comunity where RPrs can meet and have fun. What I post here today is just a prelude, and the SL should be up and ready in the next two days or so. Thanks, Llen's Mun))

Llenlleawc stepped slowly towards the pool, his well-worn travel boots making almost no sound as he crossed the flagstones. The torches on the walls flickered gently, enough only to catch his attention, as if to say, "Goodbye, we will miss you, hurry back." Llen looked about at these walls, this room, the very heart of the castle he had called home these last few months. More than any other place, more even than Camelot, did this place feel to be home. RhyDin and Lakehome had sealed themselves in his
heart as the place that he belonged. Which was why he had to leave.

The knight's gaze returned to the pool before him. The water stood dark and still, the magic it contained sleeping, just at the verge of consciousness, waiting. Squaring his shoulders, Llen slowly, deliberately, set one foot into the waters. At first, nothing happened. Then, as the knight's left foot also entered, there came a soft glow from the far edge of the pool. With grim determination, Llen continued his advance, deeper and deeper into the water. With every step, the glow became brighter, and
more defined. By the time he was waist deep, he could see the glow had formed a rectangle, beginning at the bottom of the pool and ending just below the water's surface. It looked almost as if a door of light had formed against the far wall, under the water. With a final deep breath, Llen ducked his head, and swam towards the light. With his face mere inches from the mystical doorway, he could see the world he was about to enter. One last kick propelled him forward, into a world he had thought
never to see again… (cont..)