power outage in the outback?

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power outage in the outback?

Post by DoF Archive » Sat May 15, 2004 9:24 pm

Date: 1/20/2000 12:54 AM Central Daylight Time
From: HOST DFC Rask

Well, the night was finally over. It had started out normal enough. Rask had arrived in the outback right around 11:00 and was immediately offered a duel to call. That went smoothly to. People came, people went. Looked like a good night.

There was Janella, Avery, Layne... Layne?!

For a long time Rask had owed Layne a tidy sum of money for the work he had done on the outback bar. Now he was doomed. Layne was in a fight with someone Rask didn't recognize, but there wasn't enough people in the outback to hide.

Rask moved over by the bar. Damn! Why did he move over by the bar? not that it mattered, Layne was going to confront him for sure.

As soon as the fight was over, there was Layne. Demanding his money. Rask did his best to explain(( some would say not to pay))that there was no way to pay the entire sum. Layne apparently was not interested, he had some sort of appointment to keep with the wild Jasmine, or something like that.

After realizing there was no way of not paying this time, Rask opened up the outback safe and took out the money for the month. After putting aside the money needed for the operation of the outback scoreboard, the lights in the outback and certain other necessities, Rask showed Layne what was left. Layne promptly took all of the money and walked out.

what does this mean? It looks like for the next couple of weeks it's going to be a little darker in the outback.